本试验开展青绿饲料代替部分全价配合饲料对母兔繁殖性能影响研究,选择105只第2胎的空怀新西兰母兔为试验动物,随机分为青草组(A)、全价饲料组(B)、80%全价配合饲料组(C)、70%全价配合饲料组(D)、60%全价配合饲料组(E)、50%全价配合饲料组(F)、40%全价配合饲料组(G)。试验组A、B、C、D、E、F、G的受胎率分别是60.0%、77.9%、92.9%、92.3%、84.6%、83.3%、72.7%;平均窝产活仔数分别是6.0只、7.3只、7.6只、7.4只、6.9只、6.5只、6.3只;平均泌乳力分别是1 219.5g、2 401.0g、2 384.1g、2 130.5g、1 723.6g、1 553.5g、1 444.2g;平均断奶个体重分别是464.6g、652.3g、617.6g、601.2g、582.5g、513.6g、482.5g;平均断奶仔兔成活率分别是83.3%、98.0%、97.0%、94.4%、93.4%、90.8%、86.0%。结果表明,母兔饲养中饲喂一定数量的青草有利于提高繁殖性能,全价配合饲料影响母兔的发情;高营养日粮结构,有利于仔兔的生长发育和仔兔的成活。
This experiment researched on green feed instead of part of the full price of feed on reproductive performance of female rabbits.We selected 105 the second pregnancies in nonpregnant female rabbits as an experimental animal and randomly divided into green feed group(A),the full price of feed group(B),80% full price of feed group(C),70% full price of feed group(D),60% full price of feed group(E),50% full price of feed group(F),40% full price of feed group(G).The conception rate of A,B,C,D,E,F,G test group was 60.0%,77.9%,92.9%,92.3%,84.6%,83.3% and 72.7% respectively.The average number of live littermate of those test group was 6.0,7.3,7.6,7.4,6.9,6.5 and 6.3 respectively.The average milking ability of those test group was 1 219.5g,2 401.0g,2 384.1g,2 130.5g,1 723.6g,1 553.5g and 1 444.2g.The average weaning weight of those group was 464.6g,652.3g,617.6g,601.2g,582.5g,513.6g and 482.5g.The average survival rate of weaned rabbits was 83.3%,98.0%,97.0%,94.4%,93.4%,90.8% and 86.0%.The results showed that feeding a certain number of grass was helpful to improve the breeding line of mother rabbit.The full price of feed influenced the estrous female rabbits.The high nutrition diet structure was better for the growth and survival of young rabbits.
Chinese Journal of Rabbit Farming
Green feed
Reproductive performance
Female rabbits