
大湄公河合作开发与综合治理——兼论国际水法理论的发展 被引量:4

The Cooperative Exploitation and Synthetical Governance of the Greater Mekong River——And the Development of the Theory of International Watercourses Law
摘要 大湄公河资源开发包括水电、航运、矿产、渔业和旅游等多个领域,各流域国单方面开发势必加剧开发的负外部性,使这个流域国的共有资源沦为公共劣品。国际水法理论为化解流域国之间的分歧与冲突,协调彼此利益,进而合作开发与综合治理大湄公河提供了谈判协商的基础。本文认为,各流域国应寻求利益共享和利益共赢机制,达成有约束力的"一揽子"开发治理的框架协议,形成开发治理的内驱动力。积极推动大湄公河合作开发与综合治理,不仅有益于中国与湄公河国家友好关系的发展,也是中国睦邻外交内容的丰富与手段的创新。 The exploitation of Greater Mekong River includes hydropower,shipping,mineral,fishing,tourist and other utilization. The unilateral exploitation of the basin countries would aggravate the negative externalities of the river development,and probably change the common resource of the riparian countries to common bad. The theory of international watercourses law provides the foundation for the riparian countries to dissolve the differences and conflicts and to coordinate their interests for further cooperative exploitation and synthetical governance of the river. This paper argues that riparian countries should set up a regime based on benefit sharing and reciprocity,reach a'package'agreement and thus form a driving force of development and governance. China's active promotion of greater Mekong River development and governance,is not only conducive to the relationship between China and the Mekong River countries,but is significant for demonstrating China's good- neighbor diplomacy.
作者 雷建锋
机构地区 外交学院
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 2014年第8期53-64,共12页 Pacific Journal
基金 外交学院国家重点学科建设科研项目"国际河流开发利用与中国睦邻外交"的资助
关键词 中国睦邻外交 大湄公河 国际水法理论 合作开发 综合治理 China's good-neighbor diplomacy Greater Mekong River basin the theory of international watercourses law cooperative exploitation synthetical governance
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