目的 :探讨大学生不同心理状态ERP(Event Related Potential,ERP,相关电位)中P300成分的差异,为防治大学生抑郁症提供依据。方法 :对我校2010级临床医学康复专业的122例大三学生的心理资料进行回顾性研究。我们使用汉密尔顿抑郁量表对这122例学生进行了心理状况调查,并将调查结果为患有抑郁症的22例学生作为抑郁组,同时随机选取22名调查结果为正常的学生作为对照组。使用GO-NO-GO刺激程序对这两组学生进行ERP P300成分测定,然后比较两组学生ERP P300成分的差异性。结果 :抑郁组大学生ERP P300成分的潜伏期显著高于正常组大学生(P<0.0.5),其ERP P300成分的峰值明显低于对照组大学生(P<0.0.5)。结论 :对大学生进行ERP P300成分检测可有效地发现其存在的抑郁心理状态,从而为对其进行早期治疗提供依据。
Objective Observe the P300 of differential emotions in undergraduates with events related potential,in order to provide treatment evidences for early depression in undergraduates.Methods :Questionnaire the mental state with Hamilton depression scale for the third years undergraduates who major in rehabilitation medicine of clinical medicine,divided into two early depression group and normal group according to the self-assessment scores.Measure the P300 of event related potential(ERP)by GO-NO-GO stimulus program in two groups.Results The latent and the peak value of P300 was significantly higher,significantly lower in depression group than normal group respectively(p<0.05).Conclusions Measurement the P300 of ERP for undergraduates can diagnose and rehabilitation the depression mental state in early stage.