目的 :探讨为行血液透析的尿毒症患者实施直视下头静脉桡动脉端-侧吻合内瘘成形术的临床价值与安全性。方法 :对2005年3月~2013年7月在某医院实施直视下头静脉桡动脉远端-侧吻合内瘘成形术的263例进行血液透析的尿毒症患者的临床资料予以回顾性的研究,评价其进行手术后的各项临床指标。结果 :在这263例尿毒症患者中,获手术成功的患者有257例,成功率为97.72%,手术的平均时间为(81.3±13.1)min,与进行显微镜手术的此类患者的成功率及进行手术的时间相比,无明显差异,无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 :对进行血液透析的尿毒症患者采用直视下头静脉桡动脉端-侧吻合内瘘成形术,成功率高,安全可靠,可以满足尿毒症患者维持血液透析的临床需要。
objective: to study the direct head radial artery vein end to side anastomosis fistula plasty in the clinical application value and safety. Methods: a retrospective analysis of 263 direct head distal radial artery vein - side anastomosis fistula plasty in patients, evaluation of related indicators. Results: 257 cases with successful rate 97.72%, all the operation time (81.3 + 13.1) min and microscopic surgery difference has no statistical significance (P > 0.05). Conclusion: using direct gear radial artery vein end-side anastomosis fistula plasty, high success rate, safe and reliable, and can meet the clinical need.