FSS在天线RCS减缩方面起了重要作用。针对一种锥形的带通FSS天线罩,设计了RCS测量载体,为了凸显FSS天线罩的透波特性和低于通带处的带外隐身性能,用双面角反射器模拟天线舱内天线系统产生的强散射,对FSS天线罩的传输特性和RCS性能进行了测量。结果表明,FSS天线罩在通带内有较好的透波特性,通带内的频点f0处RCS与测量载体的RCS曲线有相似形状,呈现出介质罩的透波特性。FSS天线罩在低于通带频点f1处透波特性衰减至约-15d B,通过统计鼻锥前向-60°^+60°范围内的RCS均值,FSS天线罩的RCS与载体相比较,RCS减缩均值达到-20d B左右,具有明显的减缩效果。
FSS plays a very important role in radar cross section reduction of antenna. This paper is directed to a tapered bandpass FSS radome. In order to highlight the stealth performance out of band which is lower than in-band and transmission performance in-band of the FSS radome,we designed a RCS measurement carrier for RCS measurement,in which the dihedral corner reflectors imitate the scattering source caused by the antenna. We tested the transmission and RCS performance of the FSS radome out of band and in-band. The experiment results show that the transmission performance is good and the RCS of the FSS radome has little difference compared with the carrier in-band,which indicates the FSS radome acts like the traditional dielectric radome at f0in-band. The transmission of the FSS radome is about-17 d B at f1 out of band and the RCS of the FSS radome has obviously reduction compare with the RCS measurement carrier at f1 out of band。In the direction of nose,at the range of-60° ~ + 60°,the RCS reduction of the FSS radome is up to about-20 d B.
Journal of Microwaves