

Distribution of ionotropic glutamate receptor GluR2 in song control system of adult zebra finch(Taeniopygia guttata)
摘要 主要采用DAB免疫组织化学方法对离子型谷氨酸受体AMPA亚型GluR2在成年雄性斑胸草雀(Taeniopygia guttata)鸣唱系统的分布进行了研究.结果显示:1)端脑高级发声中枢HVC(proper name)中,GluR2表达丰富,并主要分布于胞体部位;在HVC投射至弓状皮质栎核(robust nucleus of the arcopallium,RA)的路径上,有大量的GluR2阳性细胞分布,并有少量阳性纤维分布;2)RA中,呈密集的GluR2阳性胞体标记;3)前脑基底神经节X区(Area X)中,有少量阳性胞体标记;4)中脑腹侧被盖区(ventral tegmental area,VTA)、黑质致密部(substantia nigra compacta,SNc)存在大量的阳性胞体标记.本实验结果表明GluR2可能参与了鸣唱运动的调控和维持. Immnuohistochemistry revealed that GluR2 was strongly expressed in song system in adult male zebra finches.It was found that high vocal center HVC showed rich GluR2 labeling in soma.A large number of GluR2 positive cells and poorly stained fibers from HVC path projected to robust nucleus of arcopallium(RA).Strong GluR2-positive cells were found and densely distributed in RA.Basal ganglia X area(Area X)showed a small amount of positive cell bodies.The ventral tegmental area(VTA)and ubstantia nigra compacta(SNc)showed a great number of GluR2 positive cell bodies.These data suggest that GluR2 may be involved in regulating vocal learning and maintenance in songbirds.
出处 《北京师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期148-153,共6页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31360243)
关键词 GLUR2 斑胸草雀 鸣唱控制系统 GluR2 zebra finch song control system
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