
氮肥用量和密度对双季稻产量及氮肥利用率的影响 被引量:107

Effects of nitrogen and density interactions on grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of double-rice systems
摘要 【目的】高量化肥投入不仅不能使作物产量进一步增加,相反还会造成肥料资源的浪费并威胁到生态环境安全,同时导致肥料吸收利用率、农学效率等不断降低。为了明确氮肥用量和移栽密度的相互作用,在田间试验条件下研究了不同氮肥用量和移栽密度组合对江西双季稻产量、产量构成要素及氮肥利用率的影响,以期为双季稻的高产高效栽培技术提供理论基础。【方法】采用裂区试验设计,以氮肥施用量为主区,密度为副区,设4个施氮水平(N 0、135、180和225 kg/hm2,以N0、N135、N180和N225表示)和4种移栽密度(21×104、27×104、33×104、39×104hole/hm2,以D21、D27、D33和D39表示)组合,在水稻成熟期对产量以及产量构成要素进行测定,并分析其吸氮量和氮肥利用率、氮收获指数等指标。【结果】施氮水平和移栽密度对水稻产量具有显著影响;增加移栽密度有助于提高单位面积水稻的有效穗数、稻谷产量和地上部吸氮量;在高施氮量下,水稻氮素积累总量增加,而氮素吸收利用率(REN)、氮素偏生产力(PFPN)、氮素生理利用率(PEN)、氮素内在养分效率(IEN)和氮素收获指数(NHI)降低;氮素农学效率(AEN)则是先升高后降低,而产量并未增加。与其它处理组合相比,施氮量为180 kg/hm2和39×104hole/hm2密度的组合产量最高,早稻和晚稻分别为9823.0和11354.7 kg/hm2,此时早稻和晚稻的氮素吸收率分别为42.4%和47.5%。当施氮量超过180 kg/hm2时产量则不再增加,但产量随着移栽密度的增加而显著增加。【结论】合理氮肥用量和移栽密度可以显著增加水稻单位面积的有效穗数和氮累积量,进而增加水稻产量和氮肥利用率,建议在江西双季稻栽培中采用施氮量为N 180 kg/hm2,栽培密度39×104hole/hm2的组合。 【Objectives】Over-fertilization by farmers driven by desire for higher yields does not always contribute to increase yield,however,the over-fertilization causes fertilizer waste and negative effects on environment,meanwhile leads to low nutrient recovery efficiency and agronomic efficiency. In order to determine effects of nitrogen( N) application and transplanting density( D) on double-rice systems,a field experiment was conducted to study yield,yield components and nitrogen use efficiency of double-rice in Jiangxi province. 【Methods】A split-plot experimental design was used with different nitrogen application amounts in the main plots and transplanting density in the sub-plots to study grain yield and N use efficiency under four N rates( N 0,135,180 and 225 kg / hm2,and express as N0,N135,N180 and N225) and four transplanting densities( 21 × 104,27 × 104,33 ×104and 39 × 104 hole / hm2,and express as D21,D27,D33 and D39) for double-rice systems,the grain yield and its components were measured,and N uptake,N use efficiency and N harvest index were analyzed at rice maturity.【Results】The results show that there are significant effects of the N levels and planting density on the rice yield separately. The high transplanting density contributes to increase effective panicle number per unit area,grain yield and total N uptake of shoot. The high N rate increases total N accumulation of rice,but decreases the N recovery efficiency,N partial factor productivity,N internal efficiency,N physiological efficiency and N harvest index. The agronomic efficiency of N is increased with increasing of N application rate at first and decreased after N application rate exceeding 180 kg / hm2. Compared to other treatments,there are the highest yields under the 180 kg / hm2and39 × 104 hole / hm2 treatment combination,the yields are 9823. 0 and 11354. 7 kg / hm2 for early and late rice,and the N recovery efficiencies are 42. 4% and 47. 5% for early rice and late rice,respectively. The grain yield is not increased when N application rate exceeding 180 kg / hm2,while the yield is increased with increasing transplanting density in our study. 【Conclusions】The rational combination of nitrogen application and transplanting density can indeed significantly increase the effective panicle number per unit area and total N uptake of rice shoot,which further increases the rice yield and nitrogen use efficiency. The N180D39 treatment combination is recommended for double-rice systems in Jiangxi province.
出处 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期763-772,共10页 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
基金 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(CARS-01-31) 农业部公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201003016) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(2013CB127405)资助
关键词 水稻 氮肥用量 移栽密度 产量 氮肥利用率 rice N fertilizer rate planting density grain yield N use efficiency
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