

Prototype System Used for Flame Structure Display and Temperature Measurement Technology in Microgravity Combustion Experiment
摘要 用于空间燃烧实验的设备要求轻重量、小尺寸和多功能.将纹影法、彩虹纹影偏折法与差分干涉法相结合,研制了可用于火焰结构显示和全场温度测量的原理样机.该原理样机具有重量轻、尺寸小、模块化和多功能等特点.通过微重力落塔实验,检验了利用纹影法测量火焰结构的功能,同时在常重力条件下检验了利用彩虹纹影偏折法和差分干涉法测量火焰全场温度的功能.结果表明,火焰结构分辨率不低于1mm,火焰温度测量结果精确,相对误差小于2%.该原理样机将提升空间燃烧的观察方法,有助于未来空间燃烧实验的开展. The facility for combustion experiments in space is lightweight,small sized and multifunctional.In this paper,a prototype system used for flame structure display and temperature measurement is presented,which combined the schlieren method,rainbow schlieren deflection method and differential interference method.It is also lightweight and small sized.As for the prototype system,the flame structure display function was checked by schlieren method in microgravity drop tower,and the temperature measurement function was checked by rainbow schlieren deflection and differential interference method under normal gravity condition.Results show that the resolution of flame structure was not less than 1 mm,and temperature field measurement was accurate with relative error smaller than 2%.Such prototype system is important to the promotion of space combustion science experiment technology and will be beneficial to the future combustion experiments in space.
出处 《空间科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期336-342,共7页 Chinese Journal of Space Science
基金 中国科学院空间科学战略性先导科技专项"空间科学预先研究项目"资助(XDA04073200)
关键词 微重力 火焰结构 火焰温度场 原理样机 Microgravity Flame structure Flame temperature Prototype system
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