2013年8月23日黑龙江干流同抚大堤东段同江市八岔乡下游出现溃口,致使48个村庄3 200多人被迫转移。8月31日,应国家防办要求,中国水科院派专家组采用自主开发的二维水动力学模型对淹没区洪水淹没和退水过程进行了应急分析研究,结果显示为淹没区尽早退水及村屯回迁计划的制订等应急决策提供了有效的参考依据。
On August 23, 2013,The levee at Tongfu section of Heilongjiang River was breached. As a result, 48 villages were flooded and more than 3,000 people were urgently evacuated, which let to ice-blocked at Heilongjiang River for 5 months. As an emergency requirement from National Flood Control and Drought Relief Agencies, 2-dimensional hydrodynamic model has been developed to analyze the flooding and subsiding process in order to provide optimization plans for flood water draining and residents returning to homeland.
China Flood & Drought Management