

On the Different Roads of Exploration——A Comparative Study of Wang Meng and Zong Pu's Novels during the Early Part of the New Period
摘要 在新时期之初的探索小说中,王蒙与宗璞的作品是主要的代表。它们虽然共有着"探索"的称谓,但是它们探索的内容并不完全相同:第一,它们对荒诞的理解不同,王蒙的小说将荒诞处理为一种历史背景,以突显主人公品格的光辉与伟大,而宗璞的小说则在更大程度上将荒诞当作了令人不堪回首的生命存在,以表现主人公命运的乖谬与悲惨;第二,它们希冀的内容不同,王蒙的小说敏感于时代的变化,通过主人公对时代变化的种种感知,向读者传递出了新时代到来时所应该有的繁杂却又有节奏的律动,而宗璞的小说专注于人学话语的回归与建构,通过变形的艺术手法将种种荒诞体验展现出来,在传递出人们希冀人学话语回归讯息的同时,还表达了对主体建构的认真思考;第三,它们的艺术追求不同,王蒙的小说大量使用了联想、回忆等意识流的手法,而宗璞的小说则更喜欢在细节和情节上使用象征手法。 Wang Meng and Zong Pu were two of the representative exploration novelists during the earlypart of the New Period. Although both of them wrote the so-called'exploration novels', the content theyexplored was not quite similar. Firstly, they have different understandings about absurdity. Wang Mengtreats absurdity as the historical background to highlight the greatness and brilliance of the protagonists' personality. Whereas, to a certain extent, Zong Pu represents the absurdity as memories of past life experi-ences that are unbearable to look back to in order to make prominent the absurdity and misery of theprotagonists' fate. Secondly, they hope for different things. By describing the various perceptions of theprotagonists in response to the changes of the new age, Wang Meng's novels sensitively convey to thereaders the complicated yet not random rhythms which is due to happen during the new era, while ZongPu's novels focus on the restoration and construction of a humanist discourse by artistic metamorphosis todisplay the various absurd experiences. Above from conveying a hope for the restoration of humanist dis-course, Zong Pu's novels also express his reflection on the construction of subjectivity. Lastly, their nov-els employ different ways of writing. In Wang Meng's novels, there is a lot of stream of consciousness,such as daydreaming and flashback in memory, while in Zong Pu's novels, there is a preference for sym-bolism in detail depiction and plots design.
作者 晋海学
出处 《河南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期102-106,124,共6页 Henan Social Sciences
基金 2014年度河南省哲学社会科学规划项目(2014BWX017) 2012年度河南省博士后科研资助项目(2012045)
关键词 王蒙 宗璞 荒诞 希望 意识流 象征 Wang Meng Zong Pu absurdity hope Stream of Consciousness Symbolism
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