

A Principal's Doings to Promote Instruction: A Case Study on Principal Teaching Leadership
摘要 校长的教学领导是指其对教与学产生影响的活动。对A学校A校长的个案研究发现,她的教学领导行为主要集中于形成与沟通教学理念、指导课堂教学、开发与宣传校本课程、提供教师发展指导与资源、承担课堂教学这五个方面;校长并不是唯一的教学领导者;"权力""专业"与"理念"是影响教学领导角色分布的筛子。 Principal instructional leadership is a principal's activity which can influence teaching and learning in a school. A case study on Principal A in School A has achived the findings as that Principal A 's instructional leading behaviors concentrate on setting and communicating instructional ideas, guiding classroom teaching, developing and propagating school-based curriculum, providing guidance and resource for teachers 'professional development and undertaking teaching tasks. Principal A is not the only instructional leader in the school, teachers who take managerial positions, perform excellently on teaching or have ideas close to the principal are more possible to become instructional leaders. In sum, Principal A pays more attention to instructional ideas and instructional leader teams.
作者 李刚
出处 《教育学术月刊》 北大核心 2015年第1期78-83,共6页 Education Research Monthly
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学重点课题"以科学发展为主题转变教育发展方式研究"(项目编号:AFA110001) 北京师范大学教育学部学生科研基金资助项目阶段性研究成果
关键词 校长 教学领导 行为 理念 分布式领导 principal,teaching leadership,behavior,idea,distributed leadership
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