研究利用三原色染料对竹材进行连缸染色,分析其补料的计算模型,通过Excel内嵌的VBA(visual basic for application)在Microsoft Excel 2003工作表中建立了染料比例常数和浓度公式的方程系数计算系统,利用该系统可自动实现计算竹材连缸染色的补料量,并以此与专业数学计算软件Matlab计算的结果进行对比。所设计的系统适用范围广,操作简单,而且具有通用性和开放性,便于普通染色技术人员自行编制与使用,并且该系统可用于木材、竹材以及其他材料的连缸染色补料计算。
A cylinder-by-cylinder dye feeding system for bamboo dyeing was designed. The dye proportional constant and concentration formula could be calculated automatically by the calculating system,which was compiled based on Excel VBA( visual basic for application).This calculating system showed the advantages of wide applicability,easy operation,generality and openness. Ordinary dyeing technicians can compile and operate it by themselves. Besides bamboo,this system may be suitable for the cycling dyeing of wood and other materials.
Journal of Bamboo Research