
大棚温湿条件对草莓生长结实及土传病害的影响 被引量:4

Effects of greenhouse temperature and humidity on growth,fruiting,and soil-borne diseases of strawberry
摘要 【目的】研究大棚草莓不同生育期温湿条件对其生长结实及土传病害发生率的影响,为大棚草莓精准化管理及其产量品质的提高提供参考依据。【方法】采用随机区组设计,以陕西汉中地区冬春茬大棚草莓现蕾期、开花结实期、果实采收期的昼夜自然温湿条件组合为对照(CK),将3个不同生育期温湿条件组合均设为昼】30 ℃/夜自然温度+自然湿度(T1)、昼自然温度/夜自然温度+湿度】80%(T2)、昼】30 ℃/夜自然温度+湿度】80%(T3)、昼(20~28) ℃/夜(5~8) ℃+湿度40%~60%(T4)以及现蕾期温湿条件设为昼(25~28) ℃/夜(10~12) ℃+湿度60%~80%、开花结实期设为昼(20~25) ℃/夜(5~8) ℃+湿度40%~60%、果实采收期设为昼(20~25) ℃/夜(5~8) ℃+湿度60%~70%(T5)等6个处理,研究温湿条件组合对大棚草莓生长结实及土传病害发生率的影响。【结果】与CK相比,T4和T5处理显著提高了大棚草莓单株坐果数,极显著提高了平均单果质量、单株产量、单位面积产量和开花结实率,极显著降低了灰霉病、白粉病、根腐病及炭疽病发生率和畸形果发生率;T1和T2处理极显著降低了大棚草莓平均单果质量、单株产量、单位面积产量、单株坐果数和开花结实率,极显著提高了灰霉病和根腐病发生率;T3处理极显著影响大棚草莓生长结实,并极显著提高了4种土传病害的发生率。与T4处理相比,T5处理可以显著提高大棚草莓的平均单果质量和单位面积产量,极显著降低白粉病的发生率。【结论】在昼(20~28) ℃、夜(5~12) ℃、湿度40%~80%的温湿度范围内,与保持同一温湿条件组合相比,在大棚草莓现蕾期、开花结实期、果实采收期分别选择各自适宜的温湿度组合更有利于其生长结实并降低土传病害的发生。 【Objective】The present study investingated the effects of greenhouse temperature and humidity on growth,fruiting,and incidence of soil-borne diseases of strawberry at different growth stages to provide reference for precision management and improvement of yield and quality of greenhouse strawberry.【Method】The randomized block experiment was ultilized and combination of natural temperatures and humidity in daytime and nighttime in squaring period,blossoming and fruiting period,and harvesting period of winter-spring greenhouse strawberry in Hanzhong,Shaanxi was used as control(CK).6treatments with combination of temperature and humidity at three different growth stages were selected,including combination of temperature and humidity naturally in both daytime and nighttime at all three growth stages(control),temperature above 30 ℃in daytime at all three growth stages(T1),humidity above 80% at all growth stages(T2),combination of temperature above 30 ℃ in daytime and humidity above 80% at allthree growth stages(T3),combination of temperature around 20-28 ℃in daytime,5-8 ℃ at night and humidity around 40%-60% at all growth stages(T4),and combination of temperature around 25-28 ℃in daytime,10-12℃at night and humidity around 60%-80%in squaring period,and temperature around20-25 ℃in daytime,5-8℃at night and humidity around 40%-60%in blossoming and fruiting period,and temperature around 20-25℃in daytime,5-8℃at night and humidity around 60%-70%in harvesting period(T5).Then the effects of temperature and humidity combination on growth,fruiting,and incidence of soil-borne diseases of greenhouse strawberry were analyzed.【Result】T4and T5 significantly improved fruit set number,extremely improved mass of per fruit,yield per plant,per unit yield and rates of blossoming and fruiting,while extremely reduced rates of soil borne diseases and rates of deformity,such as gray mold,root rot,powdery mildew and anthracnose compared with CK.T1 and T2extremely reduced mass of per fruit,yield per plant,per unit yield,fruit set number,and rates of blossoming and fruiting,while extremely improved the incidence of strawberry gray mold and root rot.T3 extremely improved the incidence of strawberry gray mold,root rot,powdery mildew,and anthracnose compared.T5 significantly improved yield and mass per fruit,while extremely reduced the incidence of strawberry powdery mildew compared with T4.【Conclusion】It was beneficial to grow,fruiting and reduction of incidence of soil-borne diseases of greenhouse strawberry if keeping appropriate combination of temperature within temperature around 20-28 ℃in daytime and 5-12℃at night in addition to humidity around 40%-80%at all stages.
作者 张建军
出处 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期143-148,共6页 Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 陕西省汉中市农业局农业产业化项目
关键词 大棚草莓 生育期 温湿条件 生长结实 土传病害 greenhouse strawberry growth stages temperature and humidity growth and fruiting soilborne diseases
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