
预缺氧池配水比对Johannesburg工艺脱氮除磷效果的影响 被引量:2

Effect of influent distribution ratios in pre-denitrification tank on nitrogen and phosphorus removal in Johannesburg process
摘要 以处理城市污水的中试规模Johannesburg工艺为对象,探讨不同配水比对预缺氧池的反硝化及Johannesburg工艺脱氮除磷效果的影响。在总HRT为12.86 h,预缺氧池HRT为0.6 h的条件下,当配水比分别为0%、10%、20%和30%时,预缺氧池硝酸盐去除率分别为37.67%、78.95%、87.62%和94.95%,对应的厌氧池磷酸盐浓度分别为8.72、19.37、16.1和12.99 mg/L。预缺氧池最佳配水比为10%,此时厌氧段释磷速率、好氧吸磷速率和缺氧吸磷速率分别为6.94、3.17和2.12 mg/(g MLSS·h),厌氧池中磷的最大浓度和污泥中的磷最大含量可达到19.37 mg/L和25.7 mg TP/g MLSS。出水COD、NH3-N、TN和TP等各项水质指标有80%以上的概率达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准(GB18918-2002)》一级A标准。 A pilot scale reactor was employed to study the effects of water distribution ratio on the performance of Johannesburg process. The performance of pre-dentrification tank as well as the removal efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus were investigated. The HRT of pre-denitrification tank was 0. 6 h when the total HRT was12. 86 h. The concentrations of phosphorus in the corresponding anaerobic tank were 8. 72,19. 37,16. 10 and12. 99 mg / L while the nitrogen removal rates of the pre-denitrification tank were 37. 67%,78. 95%,87. 62%and 94. 95% with the distributing water rates of 0%,10%,20% and 30%,respectively. The results indicate that in the four selective water distribution ratios( e. g. 0%,10%,20% and 30%),10% is the best rate for removing phosphorus. At this rate,the anaerobic phosphorus release rate is 6. 94 mg /( g MLSS·h); the aerobic phosphorus uptake rate is 3. 17 mg /( g MLSS·h); the anoxic phosphorus uptake rate is 2. 12 mg /( g MLSS·h). At the same time,the phosphorus concentration in the anaerobic tank( 19. 37 mg / L) and the maximum phosphorus content in residual sludge( 25. 7 mg TP / g MLSS) are both observed. In addition,the concentration of the pollutants in effluent,including COD,NH3-N,TN and TP,can meet the first grade A discharge standard of pollutants in municipal wastewater treatment plant( GB18918-2002) more than 80% probability.
作者 王攀 彭党聪
出处 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期1645-1650,共6页 Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
基金 国家"水体污染控制与治理"科技重大专项(2009ZX07317-009) 陕西省科技统筹创新重大项目(2011KTZB-03-03-03)
关键词 Johannesburg工艺 预缺氧池 配水比 回流污泥反硝化 强化生物除磷 Johannesburg process pre-denitrification tank water distribution ratio denitrification of return sludge enhanced biological phosphorus removal
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