
传播学视阈下“圈子”文化的“价值观”聚合 被引量:7

Analysis on "Values" Polymerization under the Perspective of Communication "Circle" Culture
摘要 传统的"圈子"文化,以经济利益为核心,植根于社会结构中。而当前传播媒介中的"圈子"文化,是以受众共同兴趣为纽带的价值观的聚合,对传播领域的各个方面产生巨大影响。文章以传播学视角分析传播媒介中"圈子"文化的产生和特点,全面阐释"圈子"文化的价值及其在传播过程中的合理应用。 'The circle' is a production of human social communication and a form of the social relationship. In China, the interesting 'circle' culture comes into being because of the natural environment and the traditional culture. Traditional 'circle' culture roots in the social structure which based on the economic profit. But the 'circle' culture relates to the contemporary spread media, is a collection of people's value of whom with the same interests, and has important influences to the media area in all directions. This paper analyses the formation and the features of the 'circle' culture, gives a brief instruction of its value and its rational use under the view of communication.
出处 《编辑之友》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期60-65,共6页 Editorial Friend
关键词 “圈子”文化 传播学 价值观 聚合 'circle' culture value gathering communication
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