

Are E-bank Related Business Methods Patent Object?
摘要 花旗银行专利申请事件涉及的基本问题是,网上银行类商业方法是否是专利客体?该类申请面临的障碍有两重:其一,网上银行类商业方法,借助计算机程序方可运作,问题是,计算机程序是否是专利客体?答案是肯定的。理由是计算机程序可以是技术方案。其二,网上银行类商业方法,是程序化的商业方法,问题是,商业方法是否是专利客体?答案是肯定的。理由是商业方法可以是技术方案。因此,我国现行法律和政府规章的结论是,网上银行类商业方法是专利客体。 In the Citibank-Patent-Case, the underlying issue is whether E-bank related business methods are patent object under Chinese law. In first flash, there are at least two barriers to patent protection for Citibank to cover. The first, E-bank related business methods only function with the help of computer software, so the next issue is whether computer software is patent object. The answer is yes, the reason for that is computer software may be a technical solution. The second, E-bank related business methods are computerized ones, so the remaining issue is whether business methods are patent object. The answer is also yes, the reason for that is business methods may be technical solutions. So the conclusion of current Chinese law and government regulation is E-bank related business methods are patent object.
作者 金勇军
出处 《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第2期48-53,共6页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 商业方法 计算机程序 专利客体 保护障碍 智力活动规则和方法 business methods computer program patent object barriers to patent methods and rules for intelligent ac-tiveties
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