采用S-P法对38例非何杰金氏病淋巴瘤(NHL),40例淋巴组织反应性增生(RH)及3例何杰金氏病(HD)进行了波纹蛋白(Vimentin)标记,结果11例T-NHL中6例(54.5%)和27例B-NHL中22例(44.4%)表达Vimentin。Vimentin对NHL的分型作用是有限的。其中滤泡型淋巴瘤表达率低于弥漫型淋巴瘤;分化差的T淋巴母细胞性淋巴瘤及B小无裂细胞性淋巴瘤表达率低于中大细胞型淋巴瘤。Vimentin标记可显示RH组成细胞的多样性,显示血管分布的优越性以及某些滤泡型淋巴瘤表达Vimentin,而所有RH的生发中心Vimentin均呈阴性等特点有助于NHL与RH的鉴别断诊。另外Vimentin的表达亦是HD Reed Sternberg(R-S)细胞的有效标记物。
Immunoreactivity of monoclonal antibody (McAb) against vimentin was examined in 38 cases of non-Hodgink's disease (NHL), 40 cases of reactive hyperpl-asia ( RH ) and 3 cases of Hodgkin's disease (HD) using streptavidin-peroxidase conjugate method ( S-P method). The findings showed that vimentin was expressed in 6 of 11 cases of T-cell lymphoma (54.5%) and 12 of cases of 27 B-cell lymphoma (44.4%). In the follicular type of lymphoma, expression of vimentin was less frequent than that in the diffuse type. In the diffuse type of lymphoma, poorly-differentiated T-lympho-blast lymphoma and B small non-cleaved lymphoma were less reactive with vimentin than middle and large cell lymphomas. The Reed-Sternberg cells ( R-S cells ) in HD were positive for vimentin in 3 cases. No positive reaction was found among the germinal centers of RH, In conclusion, McAb against vimentin appears to be of limited value for the typing of NHL, but it may be used as an adjunct to the diagnosis of R-S cells in HD. By staining with vimentin, the variety of RH cells and the distribution of blood vessels could be easily recognized. Furthermore, the expression of vimentin in some follicular lymphomas may be of significance in the differential diagnosis of NHL and RH.
non-Hodgkin's disease
reactive hyperplasia