目的 探讨干扰素凝胶(尤靖安)外用联合中药预防尖锐湿疣激光术后复发的作用。方法 150 例女性尖锐湿疣患者随机分为三组: A组50例,激光治疗后外用尤靖安;B组50 例,激光治疗后尤靖安与中药联用;C组50 例,单用激光治疗。 尤靖安(10 万u/ g) )涂于术区及其周围,4 次/d ,2 个月后改为1 次/d ,连续应用3 个月;中药木贼草、蛇床子、苦参、百部、黄柏各30g水煎30min 后取汁,1 日3 次,口服约20ml , 每日1 剂,10 天为1 疗程,共三个疗程。结果 三组患者均随访至6 个月, A组有11 例复发, 复发率为22 %;B组有4 例复发, 复发率为8 %;C组有 22例复发,复发率为44 %。A、B两组明显低于C组,差异显著( P < 0. 05 , P < 0. 01) 。干扰素中药联用组复发率明显低于干扰素组( P < 0. 05)。结论 使用中药联合干扰素综合治疗尖锐湿疣, 既可祛除可见病灶又能清除潜在性感染,大大降低了尖锐湿疣术后的复发率,且简单价廉,方便易行,值得在临床上推广使用。
Objective To observe the recurrence rate of condyloma acuminata(CA) in the treatmentof traditional chinese medicine (TCM) combined with topical interferon after laser therapy. Methods150 patients with CA treated with laser were divided into 3 groups. Group A(50 cases) were treated withinterferon gel .Group B (50 cases) were treated with TCM combined with interferon gel. There was noanother treatment after laser therapy in group C(50 cases) .All cases were follower up for more than 6months. Results The recurrence rate in group A 、group B and groupC was 22%、8%and 44% respectively,there were significant differences among them. Conclusions The treatment of CA by TCM combined withinterferon gel can decrease the recurrence rate after laser therapy。
International Medicine and Health Guidance News
Condyloma acuminata Interferon HPV Traditional Chinese medicine