目的 运用自拟排石汤治疗泌尿系结石的疗效观察。方法 对120例经B超检查诊断为肾结石或输尿管结石的病例(结石直径<0.8cm),根据结石的位置、大小以及患者的体质辨证,适当处分药物加减,调整服药疗程。结果:66例输尿管结石病人,分别在服排石汤3~10剂后,结石完全排出(其中58例并有肾轻、中度积液解除),有效率87%。54例肾结石分别服药4~6个疗程后,有11 例结石完全排出,23例有不同程度结石排出,有效率66%。余20 例服药后未见结石排出,无耐心再继续服中药,按治疗无效总结。结论 排石汤治疗尿路结石疗效肯定,B超检测技术无创、简便、可重复,可作为首选的观察检查方法。
objective To observe the curative effects in urinary calculus with the lithagoguedecoction prescribed by the writers.Methods We adjusted the medication and the course of treatment forthe 120 patients who had been diagnosed as kidney stone or urinary calculus (<0.8cm in diameter) throughB-ultrasound according to the positions and the sizes of calculi as well as the patients’ differentconstitutions.Results In 66 cases of ureteral calculus, the stones were completely ejected after 3-10 lithagogue decoctions. Among them 58 cases kidney dropsy was slightly or moderately removed. Theeffective rate was 87%. Of the 54 cases of kidney stone, after 4-6 courses of treatment, the stones wereejected completely in 11 cases and to different extents in 23 cases; the effective rate was 66%. In theleft 20 cases, there were no ejection after treatment, then the patients lost their patience and didn’t insist, we treated them ad no effects of treatment. Conclusion Lithagogue decoction has a positiveeffect in treating urinary calculus. B-ultrasound test, which is simple and repeatable, results in nowound and can be chosen as the first observation method.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News
Lithagogue decoction Urinary calculus B-ultrasound