AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of phacoemulsification combined with trabeculectomy (phaco trabeculectomy) and intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in treating glaucoma patients with cataract.· METHODS: A total of 65 eyes of 65 patients undergone phaco trabeculectomy with IOL implantation from April 1999 to April 2003 were followed up for 26mo on average(4-48mo).The intraocular pressure (IOP) and visual acuity before and after operation were compared, and the complications were analyzed. · RESULTS: The average IOP was 36.3mmHg (22-65mmHg) with maximum anti-glaucoma therapy and 16.8mmHg (8-22mmHg) with or without only one kind of local β-blocker therapy before and after operation respectively. The best corrected visual acuity was HM to 0.6 and 0.1 to 1.2 respectively. All complications after operation were cured, including corneal edema in 7 cases, fibrous exudation in 5 cases and hyphema in 2 cases.· CONCLUSION: Combining phaco trabeculectomy with IOL implantation can achieve good results in proper glaucoma patients with cataract, thus could be considered the primary method, with continual circular anterior capsular hexis, phacoemulsification in the capsular bag with high vacuum and lower power, and IOL fixation in the capsular bag as the guarantee of a satisfactory outcome.
International Eye Science