Effectiveness of controlling endemic fluorosis through de-fluoridation by improvement of drinking water quality for 8 years, whose assessment was based on the changesin fluoride levels in water source, symptoms and signs of the cases of dental and skeletal fluorosis, their urinary fluoride levels and bone density and structures showed on their roentgenograms, was observed in Marzhuang village in Yanchi county, the Ningsia Hui Autonomous Region, China. Fluoride was found in water source at the concentration of 0.8mg /l throughdeterminations of water samples. It was observed that among the adult cases, condition of dental fluorosis did not vary, singnificantly, before and after improving water quality. Among the children, however, who were born after improvement of water quality, only a few cases of dental fluorosis were found, with a mild condition of mottled teeth. Obvious improvement of symptoms and signs occurred in 52.8% of cases of skeletal fluoriosis. Adynamic contrast follow-up survey made by roentgenography among 26 selected cases of skeletal fluorosis revealed that the density and structures of their bones were obviously improved in 76.92% of those cases.
The continuous 8 year's determinations of fluoride concentrations in urinary samples from the cases have revealed that the concentrations of their urinary fluoride have reduced from 15.61mg/l before improvement of water quality to 5.80mg/l, 5.01mg/l, 3.71mg/l after that ,respectively, with the first year's reduction of greatest range. As shown in Table 1, the mean values of fluoride determinations from all of urinary samples obtained in other different years are statisically significant (p>0.01),,except for the two samples obtained the 6 th-and-8 th years, respectively,whose mean values of fluoride determinations are not significant (P>0.05), statistically. However, the mean values of fluoride concentrations from urinary samples obtained in the endemic area are higher than the normal upper limit value of 2.60 mg /l obtained from the non-endemic areas in Ningsia.
Endemic Diseases Bulletin
Endemic fluorosis
Skeletal fluorosis
Dental fluorosis