目的前列腺素E1 治疗不稳定型心绞痛疗效观察。方法将61例不稳定型心绞痛患者随即分为2组 ,治疗组30例给予前列腺素E1;对照组31例给予硝酸甘油 ,两组疗程均为10d。观察症状改善情况、不良反应、用药前后心率、血压变化、血液流变仪测定红细胞最大变形指数及红细胞最大聚集指数。结果治疗组总有效率 (93.33% )高于对照组 (67.86 % ) ,红细胞最大变形指数增加了32.7 % ,红细胞最大聚集指数降低了19.3 % ,变化显著 ;而对照组变化无统计学意义。结论前列腺素E1 对不稳定型心绞痛有很好的治疗效果 ,副作用小 ,是值得探讨的一种治疗方法。
Objective To observe the curative effects of PGE1in the treatment of unstable angina Pectoris(UAP).Methods61patients were devided into two groups,the curative group was treated with PGE1,the control group was treated with nitroglycerin,the course of treatment was10days.The treatment effect、adverse reaction、heart rate and blood pressure were observed.The max-deˉforming index and the max-gathering index of RBC were determined with hemodromograph.Results The effective rate of curative group(93.33%)was higher than that of the control group(67.86%),and the max-deforming index of RBC increased32.7%,the max-gathering index of RBC decreased19.3%,the changes were remarkable.Conclusion PGE1is an effective medicine for unstable angina pectoris,the treatment effect is obvious,and the adverse reaction is light,it is worth studying in clinical practices.
Journal of Hebei Medical College for Continuing Education