目的 比较白内障小切口囊外摘出术与超声乳化术两种方法的疗效。方法 3 2 6例 ( 3 60眼 )老年性白内障随机分为两组 ,分别采用超声乳化吸出及小切口囊外摘出术 ,均植入后房人工晶状体 ,就其术后视力、术中术后并发症进行比较。结果 术后 7天裸眼视力 :超乳组和小切口囊外摘出组≤ 0 4者分别占 18 3 4%和 18 89% ;0 5~ 0 9者占 66 11%和 66 67% ;≥1 0者占 15 5 5 %和 14 44 %。术中后囊破裂玻璃体脱出 :两组分别为 4 44 %和 3 3 3 %。术后角膜内皮水肿 :分别为 16 11%和17 2 2 %。结论 两种手术疗效相似 ,差异无显著意义 (P >0 0 5 ,小切口囊外摘出术经济、简便、容易掌握 。
Objective The clinical comparison between extracapsular cataract extraction and phacoemulsification was made.Methads 360 eyes of cataract were divided into two groups.One group(180 eyes)underwent phacoemulsification,and the another group(180 eyes)underwent extracapsular extraction with small incision.A comparison was carried out between the two group of the vision and complications after operation.Results In phacoemulsification group,one week after operation,33 eyes(18.34%)had 0.4 or less in vision,119(66.11%)were 0.5-0.9,28 eyes(15.55%) were 1.0 or better.In non-phacoemulsification group,one week after opration,34 eyes(18.89%)were 0.4 or less in vision,120 eyes(66.67%)were 0.5-0.9,26 eyes(14.44%) were 1.0 or better.During operation,posterior capsular ruptured and vitreous prolapsed in 8 eyes(4.44%) in phacoemulsification and 6 eyes(3.33%) in nonphacoemulsification.Corneal edema:there were 29 eyes(16.11%) in phacoemulsification group and 31 eyes(17.22%)in non-phacoemulsification.Conclusion The curative effect between the two kinds of operation mentioned above is almost the same and has no significant difference,the non-phacoemulsification is simple and economical,wihch is suitable for basic hospitals.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries