
冠状动脉堵闭法建立猪心肌梗死模型 被引量:30

Establishment of Swine Model of Acute Myocardial Infarction by Coronary Occlusion
摘要 探讨运用经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术球囊堵闭猪冠状动脉建立急性心肌梗死动物模型的实验方法。选用苏中幼猪 11只 ,麻醉后经股动脉或颈总动脉置入经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术球囊至冠状动脉左前降支远端 ,堵闭血流 12 0min。观察心电图、心肌酶、心脏二维超声检查及冠状动脉和左心室造影。结果发现 ,存活 7只猪均完成冠状动脉左前降支远端的封堵 ,心电图显示急性心肌梗死典型图形变化 ,血浆肌钙蛋白明显升高并呈动态演变 ;术后1h超声检查出现间隔上部及前壁局部运动异常 ;术后 2至 4周造影复查显示左心室前壁、心尖部心室壁异常运动 ;存活 7只猪均成功地建立急性心肌梗死模型。另 4只猪分别在堵闭 6 0~ 10 0min因心室纤颤死亡。结果提示 ,运用经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术球囊封堵冠状动脉可成功建立猪急性心肌梗死模型 ,并保持封堵冠状动脉通畅 ;与开胸法相比更接近人体状态 ,具有创伤小、动物生存时间长并易于术后饲养等优点。 Aim To explore and develop a swine model of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) by coronary occlusion with angioplasty balloon. Methods After anesthesia, 20 mm or 25 mm angioplasty balloon was positioned in the mid-distal left anterior descending (LAD). The balloon was inflated and occluded the LAD for 120 min. Electrocardiography and blood pressure were monitored. Ultrasounography, cTnⅠ and coronary angiography were also investigated to confirm AMI. Results Seven out of eleven pigs underwent successful induction of AMI. Four pigs died of ventricular fibrillation. AMI were confirmed by dynamic changes of electrocardiography, cTnⅠ and further pathology. Regional wall motion abnormalities were found by two dimensional echocardiography one hour after AMI and two weeks late in all pigs. Conclusions A closed chest swine model of AMI is feasible and relatively effective. Some technique problems should be noted.
出处 《中国动脉硬化杂志》 CAS CSCD 2004年第2期218-220,共3页 Chinese Journal of Arteriosclerosis
基金 国家自然科学基金 ( 3 0 3 70 5 75 ) 江苏省自然科学基金(BK2 0 0 1161)资助
关键词 医学实验动物学 急性心肌梗死动物模型的建立 冠状动脉堵闭法 心肌梗死 经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术 球囊 Myocardial Infarction Percutanous Translaminal Coronary Angioplasty Balloon Swine Electrocardiography Ultrasounography
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