

The review of early cochlear implantation in children
摘要 人工耳蜗装置和人工耳蜗植入手术近三十年的广泛应用,使越来越多的聋人改善听觉。 随着科技的发展和经验的积累, 早期诊断婴幼儿听力障碍和判断人工耳蜗适应症的可行性越来越高,人工耳蜗装置越来越适合小年龄聋儿。 只要经过全面的医学检查和康复, 使用合适的人工耳蜗装置进行手术, 聋儿早期可以在听觉的发展,语言的获得等各方面取得实效, 尽快地回归主流社会, 给个体,家庭及社会减轻负担。早期人工耳蜗植入将逐渐成为聋儿早期干预和康复的常规手段之一。 More and more deaf people have improved their hearing in the recent thirty years due to the wide use of cochlearimplant devices and Cochlear implantation practice. As the development of the techniques and the accumulation of the experiences,it is more accurate to diagnose hearing impairment candidates for cochlear implant are becoming youger and youger. Also, the cochlearimplant is designed more appropriate for young children. They could obtain hearing, speech & language and integrate into normalsociety in the early stages. This reduces the burden of the individual, families and societies. Early implantation will be one of theregular approaches in early intervention & rehabilitation.''
作者 冯定香
出处 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》 2004年第4期47-49,共3页 Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation
关键词 人工耳蜗植入 儿童 感音神经性聋 Cochlear implantation Children Sensorineural hearing loss
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