本研究采用定性与定量方法分析陕西省农村医疗卫生机构现状。研究表明 ,陕西省农村卫生组织仍不能适应农村经济发展和群众医疗保健需要 ,与全面实现小康和基本实现现代化的目标还有相当大的差距。一是农村卫生经济政策贯彻不力。二是农村卫生人员素质不高 ,学历结构不合理。高学历比例太低 ,无学历占18.36%。三是农村医疗保障制度改革滞后。四是管理体制和运行机制改革亟待深化。
Using qualitative and quantitative methods,the authors analyzed the actuality of rural medical institution in Shanxi province.The findings showed that rural medical institution could not meet the development of rural economy and the need of medial care of rural resident,which caused quite distant from the goal of achieving overall well-being and modernization.The main shortages included rural health economy policy,health staff,medical ensuring system and health management mechanism.