
现代韩国政治转型分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Transition of the Modern south Korean Politics
摘要 韩国在20世纪80年代后期开始的政治转型是现代化研究中具有一定代表性的典型。其起点是1987年卢泰愚"六·二九"八项民主化宣言的发表;其表现是:从军政向宪政的转变,从行政民主向多元政治的发展,社会舆论力量的兴起和社会政治文化的发展;其特点是:从形式上看,转型是以渐进改革、部分质变的方式进行的,从转轨机制上看,是在原政府控制和领导下向原先政府反对的方向和方面转变。研究韩国政治转型,对我国的民主化建设有一定的借鉴价值。 South Korean political transition started in the late of 1980s. it was a typical model in the modern study. Its jumping-off point was the pronunciamento of Lu Taiyu's eight items of democratic declarations in June 29, 1987. It can be represented in 4 forms:1)the transition from the military government to the constitutional government. 2)the changing from the administrative democracy to the pluralistic politics. 3)the rising of public opinion. 4) the development of the social politics and culture. South Korean political transition has two distinguishing features. From the formality,it is developed in the form of entering the reformation gradually and getting partial qualitive change. From the changeable mechanism, the transition is turned to its opposite side and direction under the leadership and control of the original government. So it is valuable to study for using it to get reference to built our social democracy.
作者 刘鑫 胡宗兵
出处 《皖西学院学报》 2004年第3期11-15,共5页 Journal of West Anhui University
关键词 韩国 政治转型 六·二九宣言 权威政治 民主政治 <Keyword>South Korea political transition the declaration in June 29 authoritative politics democratic politics
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