随着全球经济一体化进程的加快 ,以及我国加入世界贸易组织 ,中国企业的生存与发展面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。为了尽快加强自身的竞争力 ,中国企业必须在苦练内功的同时 ,善于学习国外企业的先进管理经验和理论知识 ,通过结合自身实际 ,使其为我所用。在这些发达国家中又以美国为这方面的领航者。同时 ,先进企业的成功经验表明 ,企业的成功与其组织结构的适应性有十分密切的关系。因此该文以美国为参照对象 ,将其企业组织结构与我国企业的组织结构进行比较 。
With the progress of the global economic integration and China's successful entry into WTO, enterprises in China have further to face the great opportunities and challenges never encountered before. So, every effort should be made to improve their competitive capacity. On the other hand, it is of great importance for the enterprises to learn and absorb the advanced managing theory and practice from the developed countries based on actual conditions. United States still takes the lead within the developed countries. Meanwhile, experiences of successful enterprises prove that the success of enterprises has been closely related to their organizational structure. Therefore, the paper is devoted to making a comparison between the enterprises of the United States and those of China, summing up some weaknesses of home enterprises and putting forward some countermeasures.
Journal of Beijing Forestry University :Social Sciences
organizational structure
organizational evolution
organizational reform