2001年8月 ,西安市文物保护考古所对位于西安市东郊动物园北侧的古墓葬进行了考古发掘 ,清理汉墓10余座。其中M3保存完好 ,为竖穴土圹木椁墓 ,由主室和一侧室组成 ,平面曲尺形。随葬器物丰富 ,有陶、铜、银、铅、铁、玉、石、琉璃、木器等。出土的玉器数量大 ,种类多 ,玉质温润 ,雕刻精细。难得的是玉器出土位置未被扰乱 ,玉佩组合完整。根据器物的有关铭文 ,墓主为窦姓 ,初步推断为汉初外戚窦氏家族中的成员。
In August of2001,archaeologists from the Institute of Archaeology of Xi'an excavated a dozen Han dynasty tombs in the eastern suburbs of Xi'an.Of them Tomb3is a well-preserved one of an earthen shaft and consists of a main tomb chamber and a side one along with a wooden coffin chamber.Abundant funer-ary objects include pottery,bronze,silver,lead,iron,jade,stone glazed and wooden objects.Of the largest number and variety,jade articles are fashioned exquisitely out of high-quality raw materials.More-over,their location was not disturbed,and the combinations of jade personal ornaments are complete.According to the related inscription,the tomb owner was from the Dou on the maternal side of the royal family in the early years of the Western Han Dynasty.
Cultural Relics