

On the Historic Value of Deng Xiaoping′s Theory
摘要 邓小平是中国历史上的一代伟人,他为中国人民的伟大的解放事业和建设事业做出了历史性贡献。邓小平最伟大的历史功绩是他晚年创立的建设有中国特色的社会主义的理论,重新确立了解放思想、实事求是的思想路线。使国人思想大解放,开创了中国历史上改革开放和现代化建设的新时代;揭示了社会主义的本质是发展生产力,实现共同富裕,制定了"一个中心,两个基本点,三大奋斗目标"的基本路线,提出了建设社会主义市场经济体制的新思路,开创了中国历史上前所未有的经济繁荣发展的好时期,中国人民从此脱离贫穷,生活开始富裕起来了;提出了"一国两制"和平统一祖国的伟大战略构想,使港、澳回归祖国,为解决台湾问题指明了大方向。邓小平理论是中国历史上的一座丰碑,是照亮中国人民过去、现在和今后建设中国特色社会主义伟大事业道路上的光辉灯塔,在中国历史上具有长久的价值。 Deng Xiaoping is a great figure in the Chinese histroy,who made historic contributions to the Chinese liberation cause and socialist construction.The greatest contribution that Deng Xiaoping made is to establish the theory of constructing the socialism with Chinese characteristics in his old age.He establishes afresh the thought route that sets free people′s ideology and seeks truth from facts,which makes the Chinese a big liberation of thought and create a new times of Reform and Opening and Modern construction in the Chinese history.He states that the essence of the socialism is to develop the productivity and realize common wealthy.He constitutes a basic route with 'one center,two basic points,and three big struggling targets',brings up the new way of thinking to construct the social market economy system,and creates an unprecedented period with economic prosperity.From then on the Chinese people began to get rid of poverty and the life became richer and richer.He puts forth a great strategy speculation 'one country,two systems' to reunify our notherland peacefully,which makes Hong Kong and Macao return to motherland and also gives a main direction to solve the Taiwan Question.Deng Xiaoping′s theory,which has a long-term value,is a monument in the history of China and also a glorious lighthouse that illuminates the road to the great socialist construction with Chinese characteristics in the past,present and in the future.
作者 周树智
出处 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2004年第4期5-9,共5页 Journal of Northwest University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 邓小平理论 解放思想 市场经济 一国两制 历史价值 Deng Xiaoping′s theory sets free people′ ideology market economy one country, two systems historic value
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