认知策略是学习策略的核心部分 ,也是掌握学习策略的关键。认知策略是学习者信息加工的方法和技术 ,主要包括集中注意策略、获取与编码策略、储存和组织策略、再认和回忆四部分内容。在课堂教学中 ,教师要充分运用认知策略向学习者传授知识信息 ,并使学生掌握认知策略的方法 。
Cognitive strategy is the heart of learning strategy in regard to the learners'focusing attention, gaining knowledge, decoding, storing, organizing, reflecting, and memorizing. The writer of the paper argues that teachers should teach students the knowledge as well as the ways of learning. Thus, a good command of the cognitive strategy can be of great help to arouse interest and raise efficiency.
Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)