研究了盲蝽科齿爪盲蝽亚科Deraeocorinae点盾盲蝽属AlloeotomusFieber中国种类 ;共记载 5个种 ,其中包括 2新种 (突肩点盾盲蝽A .humeralissp.nov.,云南点盾盲蝽A .yunnanensissp .nov.)和 1个新异名 (A .kerzhneriQi&Nonnaizab =A .montanusQi&Nonnaizab,syn.nov .)。
Five species of Chinese Alloeotomus are dealt with in this paper including descriptions of 2 new species. They are: A. chinensis Reuter, A. kerzhneri Qi & Nonnaizab, A. simplus (Uhler), A. humeralis sp. nov. and A. yunnananus sp. nov. The former 3 species are redescribed or diagnosed. A new synonymy is proposed: A. kerzhneri Qi & Nonnaizab 1994 = A. montanus Qi & Nonnaizab 1995, syn. nov. All the type materials are deposited in the Insect Collection of Biology Department in Nankai University. Abbreviations: IMTU Inner Mongolia Teacher′s University, Huhehot, China; IZAS Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China; ZMAS Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg.Key to Chinese species of Alloeotomus 1. Pronotal and hemelytral hairs long, as long as distance between 3 4 pronotal punctures A. yunnanensis sp. nov. Pronotal and hemelytral hairs short, as long as distance between 2 pronotal punctures2 2. Antero lateral angle of pronotum slightly produced forward A. humeralis sp. nov. Antero lateral of pronotum normal, not forwardly produced3 3. Collar of pronotum grayish black A. kerzhneri Collar of pronotum brown4 4. Lateral pronotal margin whole length whitish, callous and impunctate. Embolium yellowish white, usually callous A. chinensis Lateral pronotal margin concolorous with disc, not whitish, neither callous.Embolium concolorous with neighboring corium A. simplus Alloeotomus chinensis Reuter, 1903 (Figs 1, 5, 7, 8) Diagnosis.Yellowish brown, brown, or rusty brown. Punctation black. Anteocular portion of head short. Clypeus subbasally swollen. Rostrum reaching base or apex of mid coxa. Pronotal collar brown. Pronotal lateral and hind margins continuously yello wish white and callous. Corial veins comparatively standing out and more easily discernible. Embolium yellowish white and callous, unicolorous, discally almost impunctate, inner and outer margins lined with black punctures. Membrane yellowish brown, veins concolorous or slightly darker. Fore and mid tibiae each with a patellar spot, total length dorsally pale and flanked with 2 parallel black lines; hind tibia rusty brown, dorsally with a patellar black spot, followed by a yellow streak at basal 1/5 1/4. Parameres see Josifov & Kerzhner (1972). Vesica as in Figs 5, 7, 8: median appendage sclerotized, one side of apex sightly produced; right appendage long and slender, almost as long as left appendage; left appendage rod like, apex slightly bifid; posterior membranous sac completely membranous, without sclerotized crista. Distribution. China (Tianjin, Shangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou); Russia (Far East), Korea, Japan. Note. Identification based on ZMAS material compared with lectotype by M. Josifov & I. M. Kerzhner (Josifov & Kerzhner, 1972). Alloeotomus kerzhneri Qi & Nonnaizab, 1994 (Figs 3, 6, 9, 10) = Alloeotomus montanus Qi & Nonnaizab, 1995. syn. nov.Diagnosis. Rusty brown to dark brown, general coloration comparatively dark. Punctation black. Hairs short. Anteocular portion of head longer. Clypeus subbasally rather low and smooth, basally with a pair of parallel dark streaks. Rostrum reaching apex of mid coxa to apex of hind coxa. Pronotal collar grayish black. Pronotum only with hind margin whitish yellow. Embolium unicolorous, concolorous with neighboring corium, evenly distributed with black punctures overall or so at the apical 2/3. Membrane dark smoky, with veins blackish brown. (All tibiae dorsally and percurrently yellowish and laterally flanked with blackish lines). Parameres see Qi & Nonnaizab (1993). Vesica as in Figs 6, 9, 10: median appendage weakly sclerotized, bottle like, apex somewhat membranous; right appendage short, broad dagger like, shorter than left appendage; left appendage rod like, apically shorly bifid; posterior membranus sac one side with a sclerotized striae. Distribution. China (Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanxi, Shandong, Hubei, Shaanxi). Note. The exam
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
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