
种族、性别和后现代主义——评美国墨西哥裔女作家格洛丽亚·安扎杜尔和她的《边土:新梅斯蒂扎》 被引量:2

Gloria Anzaldúa and Her Borderlands/La Frontera:The New Mestiza
摘要 拉美裔文化在美国引起越来越多的关注 ,奇卡纳女性主义批评的创始人格洛丽亚·安扎杜尔凭借独特的视角 ,执拗地挖掘美国墨西哥裔问题及其文化历史根源。她的代表作《边土 :新梅斯蒂扎》采用后现代主义书写策略 ,从文化、种族、阶级和性别等方面探讨美国墨西哥裔问题 ,引发了褒贬不一的广泛争议。
作者 刘玉
出处 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第3期154-158,共5页 Contemporary Foreign Literature
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  • 1Judith Raiskin, "Invert and Hybrids: Lesbian Rewritings of Sexual and Racial Identities," in Laura Doan ed., The Lesbian Postmodern, NY: Columbia University press, 1994, p. 156, 159.
  • 2Glorian Anzaldua, Boraderlands/La Frontera : The New Mestiza, San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987. See"Preface,"p. 22 ,p. 79 ,p. 8 ,p. 134,p. 16,p. 17 ,p. 70, "Preface," p. 80.
  • 3Gloria Anzaldua, "To(o) Queer the Writer-Lora, escritora y chicana," Besty Warland ed. , Versions: Writing by Dykes Queers & Lesbians, Vancouver: Press Gang, 1991. pp. 249 - 50.
  • 4Marra Lugones, " On Borderlands/La Frontera:An Interpretive Essay," in Hypatia, Vol. 7, No.4, Fall, 1992, p. 36.


  • 1石平萍.“奇卡纳女性主义者”、作家桑德拉·西斯内罗斯[J].外国文学,2005(3):16-18. 被引量:25
  • 2任文.美国墨西哥裔女性文学——不应被忽视的声音[J].西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版),2005,26(6):134-137. 被引量:15
  • 3The Gloria Anzaldua Reader,ed. Analouise Keating ( Durham and London. Duke University Press, 2009), 4页.
  • 4The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism, ed. Vincent B. Leitch ( New York . Norton, 2010) , 2095 页.
  • 5Gloria Anzaldfia, " La Prieta ", The Gloria Anzaldt~a Reader, ed. AnaLouise Keating (Durham and London. Duke University Press, 2009), p. 49, p. 45, p. 49, p. 50, p. 46.
  • 6Beth Berila, "Unsettling Calls for National Unity. The Pedagogy of Experimental Multiethnic Literature", MELUS, 30.2 (2005), p. 32.
  • 7Gloria Anzaldtia, "La concieneia de la mestiza. Towards a New Consciousness ", The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism, ed. Vincent B. Leitch (New York. Norton, 2010), p. 2100, p. 2100, p. 2100, p. 2101, p. 2107, p. 2106.
  • 8Anne Donadey, " Overlapping and Humanities Literary Studies . Dangarembga, Gloria Anzaldtia" (2007), p. 23. Interlocking Frames for Assia Djebar, Tsitsi , College Literature, 34.. 4.
  • 9Jennifer Browdy de Hernandez, " On Home Ground. Politics, Location, and the Construction of Identity in Four American Women's Autobiographies ", MELUS, 22.4 (1997), p. 33, pp. 34-35.
  • 10Cordelia Candelaria, " Una vela por Gloria/a Candle for Gloria", Frontiers 25.3 (2004), p. 3.









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