大肠杆菌正常栖居于哺乳动物的肠道 ,和宿主呈共生关系 ,但其致病菌株能通过食物链进入人体造成出血性结肠炎。在肠出血性大肠杆菌中 ,O157:H7型大肠杆菌因致病力强、检出困难而危害最大。反刍动物为该菌的无症状宿主 ,其屠宰时通过改善下水道设施和清洁体表可减小胴体受污染的机会 ,而屠宰前的管理和日粮方面的措施亦可控制消化道或粪中的病菌数量 ,但目前说法不一 。
Although Escherichia coli are commensal organisms that reside within the mammalian gut, some pathogenic strains can cause hemorrhagic colitis in humans through the food chains. The most notable Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli strain is Escherichia coli O_(157):H_7 because of its extremely low infectious dose and difficulty in detection. Ruminants are natural reservoirs of Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli and sanitation efforts after slaughter and the cleanliness of animal entering holding pens at battoir can effectively reduce contamination of carcasses with Escherichia coli O_(157):H_7. But improvement of management strategies and dietary factors before slaughter also can modify intestinal and fecal populations of Escherichia coli O_(157):H_7 though detailed approaches have provoked a great deal of scientific controversy. So further research is needed.
Journal of Yellow Cattle Science