
自传记忆线索提取发展的实验研究 被引量:4

An Experimental Study on Development of Cuing Retrieval in Life-Span of Autobiographical Memory
摘要 自传记忆是关于个人生活的记忆。发展心理学家以生命历程的视野来研究自传记忆的发生、发展、变化是自传记忆研究的重要组成部分。自传记忆的形成和发展可分为三个阶段 :即童年期遗忘、回忆高峰、自传记忆近因期。本实验采用 2 (提取方式 :顺时、自由回忆 )× 2 (性别 :男、女 )× 8(年龄 :8个年龄组 )混合设计 ,结果发现 :(1 )顺时提取与自由提取两种提取方式对自传记忆的提取存在年龄差异 ,不仅有提取速度的差异 ,也存在提取内容的差异。 (2 ) 8个年龄段两种提取条件下的平均提取速度具有一致的趋同性 ,呈U型曲线 ,存在自传记忆的回忆高峰。 (3)自传记忆的跨生命历程提取不存在性别差异 ,年龄、性别、提取方式间不存在交互作用。 (4) 8个年龄段自传记忆的提取速度、提取内容与个人各年龄的生活主题存在内在关联。 (5) Autobiographical memory is the memory about individual life. The study on the origin, development and changes of autobiographical memory in terms of life span advocated by developmental psychologists is one important part in autobiographical memory study. There are 3 stages in the origin and development of autobiographical memory, which are childhood amnesia, the reminiscence bump and recency in autobiographical memory. A 2×2×8 mixed design was taken by this experiment and the results were: (1) the existence of age differences in the forward temporal order and the free retrievals of autobiographical memory, in both speed and content; (2) the congruency was of average retrieval speed under 8 age periods and 2 retrieval types, the U curve and the existence of reminiscence bump of autobiographical memory; (3) the none existence of sex difference in the retrievals across the life span of autobiographical memory, and the none-existence of interaction among age, sex and retrieval types; (4) the internal associations among the retrieval speed, the retrieval content and the respective life theme at 8 age periods of autobiographical memory; and (5)the support of Conway's 3 stages supposition on life span development of autobiographical memory from the view of retrieval mechanism.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期847-849,共3页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 本研究为作者博士后工作报告的一部分 受浙江省自然科学基金的资助
关键词 自传记忆 提取机制 生命历程 发展心理学 autobiographical memory, retrieval mechanism, age differences, life span
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