
中国土地复垦目标与内涵扩展 被引量:70

Extension of Goal and Meaning of Land Reclamation in China
摘要 研究目的:对照中国土地复垦工作与国外的差别和中国加入WTO的要求,提出中国土地复垦概念与内涵扩展的必要性和具体建议。研究方法:文献资料法和归纳分析法。研究结果:中国对土地复垦的界定和真正重视始于20世纪80年代,复垦一词来源于国外,由于国内外复垦的重点有所不同,加之国外资料的缺乏和深入理解分析不够,对土地复垦概念与内涵的理解产生了很大差异,有的甚至希望更名或认为已经发展到生态重建阶段。研究结论:中国土地复垦目标与内涵应按照国际通行的概念与内涵进行扩展并与国际接轨。 The paper is intended to elaborate the necessity of extension of goal and meaning of land reclamation in China and to make concrete suggestions by introducing the definition and goal of land reclamation in foreign countries and by considering China's entry into WTO. Methods of documentation and inducing analysis were employed. The results show land reclamation has been paid much attention since last 80's. The word 'reclamation' originates from abroad and the focus is different from that in China. As a result, the understanding to the definition and meaning of land reclamation differs a lot due to insufficient foreign literature and lack of in-depth analysis. Some people think that land reclamation has entered into the stage of ecological restoration while some even suggest the name of land reclamation shall be changed. The goal and meaning of land reclamation in China have to extended and be in accord with international standard.
出处 《中国土地科学》 CSSCI 2004年第3期3-8,共6页 China Land Science
基金 国家自然基金资助项目(49701010 40071045) 教育部跨世纪优秀人才计划。
关键词 中国 土地复垦 目标定义 内涵 土地质量 耕地保护 生态恢复 土地生产效能 土地整治 land administration land reclamation ecological restoration concept
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