
鬼谷子的测谎心理思想研究 被引量:1

Rearch of Guiguzi's Lie Psychological Thoughts
摘要 鬼谷子的测谎心理思想其目的在于帮助统治者考察权变、征召远近人才、谋划国家事物、献说陈情、决安危、定亲疏、察同异、辨真伪。其基本依据的是阴阳观。他认为阴阳是宇宙变化的一贯之道,把握了阴阳之道,就获得了开启人内心隐秘的基本原理。其所遵循的原则是:知己知人原则,隐秘性原则,把握时机原则。其具体技术有捭阖术,即根据阴阳变化原理提出的开启和闭藏的技术;钩言术,即通过语言表达的动静状态窥探他人内心情报的方法;飞箝术,是以激励、褒扬的言语诱导对方获得实情而抓住对方心理的一种测谎技术。揣摩术,又分揣术和摩术。揣术是根据情感的两极变化和惯常行为表现推测对方心理真实情报的方法。摩术是指将内在情感与外在符验相结合进行推测、切磋、体会获得对方真实情报的方法。 Guiguzi lie psychological Thoughts is to help the ruler to inspect the adaptability in tactics, choose talents, deal with national affairs, offer views, determine safety and danger, decide close of distant relationship, examine similarities and dissimilarities, distinguish between truth and falsehood. Guiguzi considers 'Yin and Yang' as the law of the universe change, and on the basis of 'Yin and Yang', we would know the basical principle of opening people's inner life. The rule it follows as below: know the enemy and know yourself, grasp the opportunity, concealment.There are several practical skills such as, opening and concealing, watching a person's every mood, encouraging and praising, conjecturing and studying. 'Opening and concealing' means to open and conceal one's attention according to the change principle of 'Yin and Yang'. 'Watching a person's every mood' means to pry into one's heart according to his way of expressing himself. 'Enocouraging and praising' means to use encouraging and praising words to obtain the truth and know the other's true attention. 'Conjecturing and studying' can be divided into two parts, conjecturing skill means to calculate the opposite side's real attention by the normal actions and th epolarizing change of emotion. Studying skill means to study and calculate the opposite side's real attention on the basis of the internal emotion nd external experiences.
作者 燕良轼
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 2004年第3期15-18,共4页 Psychological Exploration
关键词 鬼谷子 测谎心理思想 阴阳观 心理测试 测试方法 Guiguzi lie psychological thoughts the view of 'Yin and Yang' opening and concealing skill conjecturing and studying skill
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