苏丹内战是当今世界历时最长、产生原因最复杂、冲突解决最棘手的内战之一。导致苏丹内战爆发和持续的因素主要有宗教问题、种族问题、认同问题、殖民遗留问题、国家权力分配问题、环境资源问题及外部影响问题等 ,但宗教问题是最关键的因素。北方伊斯兰教和南方基督教的冲突对内战的爆发、进程及未来走向都有根本性的影响。因此可以说 ,苏丹内战就是宗教冲突激化和延续的结果与表现。两种宗教固有的不同政治观是导致南北冲突的本质原因 ,也决定了冲突的解决必然是困难重重。尽管苏丹内战可望结束 ,但无宗教间的真正平等与友好就不会有苏丹的真正和平与统一。
The Civil War in Sudan is by far one of the longest, most complicated and most sticky civil wars in the world history. The main factors leading to its outbreak and continuance include various issues concerning religion, race, identity, legacy of colonialism, power sharing, environment, resources and external influences, of which the religious issue is the most decisive one. Conflicts between Islam in the North and Christianity in the South exerted underlying influences on the outbreak, duration and tendency of the war. In a way, Civil War in Sudan is the result and embodiment of the religious conflicts. Inherent different political viewpoints of the two religions are the essential reason for the conflict and forecast numerous difficulties in the settlement of the dispute. True peace and unity wouldn't be realized without true inter-religious equality and amity.
West Asia and Africa