作者对145例流行性出血热患者行尿沉渣细胞及有形成份(USCTC/HP)、24小时尿蛋白(24huPro)、尿血肌酐比值(u/sCr)、尿β_2-微球蛋白(uβ_2-MG)、肾衰指数(RFI)、滤过钠排泄分数(FE N_a)、尿N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶(尿NAG)等12项肾功能指标的检测.结果表明:多项肾功能指标在本病各期、各型中均各具有规律性,其升降幅度同病情轻重和肾衰程度密切相关.其中USCTC,24huPro,u/sCr,uβ_2-MG等4项于肾衰早期即有显著变化,可视为早期肾衰诊断的预警性指标;前3项和RFI,FE_(Na)等5项为判断肾衰程度的敏感指标;24huPro,u/sCr和尿NAG可作为本病恢复期肾功能监测和随访指标。
By prospective study, the urinary sediment cellular and tangible component (USCTC), excretion of 24 -hour urinary protein (24huPro), serum creatinine (sCr), uCr/sCr ratio, renal failure index (RFI), sodium filtration elimination (FENa), urinary β2-microglobulins (β2-MG) and N-cetyl-β-D glucosa minidase, etc. all together 12 items in 145 cases of epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF) were detected. The results showed that multicomponent renal function items changed regularly in different stages of EHF. The levels of the items, especially USCTC and uPro were closely correlated with the patients' conditions and the states of renal failure. These can be taken as the omen in early diagnosis.USCTC, 24huPro, uCr/sCr, RFI,FENa etc. five items can be the sensitivity items in judging the state of renal failure. The first 3 items and NAG, increased over 3 times vs normal control, can be the indices of renal function monitor and follow-up survey in convalescence.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
hemorrhagic fcver,epidemic
renal failure,acute
kidney ftmction tests