通过对电磁泄放阀辅阀泄漏原因的分析 ,提出了相应的改进措施 :(1)改进辅助阀瓣结构 ;(2 )改动辅阀位置 ;(3)改变试验方法 ;(4 )加强锅炉起动时的检查。珠江电厂 3号、4号炉电磁泄放阀采取这些措施后已运行近两年 ,效果良好 ,辅阀未再泄漏 ,确保了机组的安全运行。
Through analysing the causes leading to auxiliary valve leakage for the solenoid blowout valves, corresponding retrofitting measures have been put forward, The said measures are as follows: (1) retrofitting clack structure of the auxiliary valve; (2) changing position of the auxiliary valve;(3) altering the test method; (4) strengthening inspection in starting up of the boiler. The abovementioned measures have been taken for solenoid blowout valves on boiler NO.3 and NO.4 in Zhujiang Power Co Ltd. The results of operation in more than one year show that the effectiveness of retrofitling is good, leakage of the auxiliary valve having not occurred again, ensuring safe operation of units.
Thermal Power Generation