素质教育的提出 ,是我国教育界的一大进步 ,对于我国的社会主义现代化建设具有十分重要的意义。素质教育是以提高人的整体素质、形成健全人格、提高主体意识、发展良好个性为目的的教育 ,这与传统的教育观念是截然不同的。高职高专院校应适应时代发展的要求 ,全面实施素质教育 ,为社会主义现代化建设培养出一代又一代的社会主义新人。
It is a great progress for our country to put forward the diathesis education which means very important for our socialist modernization construction.The aim of diathesis education is improving the whole diathesis,forming right character,improving oneself consciousness,developing good individuality,it is completely different from the traditional education.We should carry out diathesis education in high professional academy for adapting the development of the society,so that we can educate a lot of new persons for the socialist modernization construction.
higher education forum