作为一份资产阶级革命派在国内创办的报纸,无论从作者群、传播内容、受众及销量等诸方面考虑, 《民立报》对促成辛亥革命的发生、发展都起了极为重要的作用。因而它的兴衰也就与革命力量的消长息息相关。辛亥后,主要负责人的投入政治,思想上的一度对袁妥协以及袁世凯封建军阀势力的发展和过于强大,都是导致《民立报》最终走向停刊的重要因素。
As a very important civil newspaper published by the bourgeois revolutionary group when considered from the aspects of writers, content and readers etc, it obviously played a very important role in the 1911 Revolution.just because of this, the development of the newspaper was closely related to the fall and rising of the revolution.After the 1911 Revolution, the main writers left and took part in politics, and the journal once came to terms with Yuan Shi-kai government, in addition that Yuan's strength was stronger than the revolutionary strength.All of the above aspects resulted in people's independence journal's stopping publication.
Journal of Ezhou University