鄂州西长岭诗人是一个地方色彩很浓的创作群体。良好的文化气围、宽松的社会环境为它的 兴起铺就了历史的温床。 “敦节义,励清修”的地域气质构成了他们诗歌创作的文化特色。由于宗尚不 同诗派,诗人显示出了不同的创作风格。
The poets in xichangling form a creative group with strong local color. The sound cultural atmosphere and spacious social environment paved the way for its rising. The regional temperament of 'promoting moral integyity and encouraging personal cultivation' is the cultural feature of their poetry creation.As the poets ineline to different poetry sehools,they take on different creative stytes.
Journal of Ezhou University