译者作为翻译活动的主体 ,应在翻译中发挥其能动参与和积极的创造性作用。本文提出“衍生文本”的概念 ,并从译者创造性产生的前提、根源和具体实现方式这三个方面论证了译者主体创造性的客观存在 ,认为只有正视这种创造性的客观存在并对其加以积极运用 。
The present paper proposes that translator, as the subject of translation practice, should exert his participation and his positive creativity. The author presents the concept of “derivational text”, and reveals that translator's creativity does exist no matter we admit it or not from the three aspects: the premise and the origin of the existence of translator's creativity and the realization of the creativity. Translation practice can be led to a correct direction only if we envisage the existence of translator's creativity and employ it in a positive way.
Journal of Tonghua Normal University