媒介生态是政治生态的晴雨表。我们探讨“宝马事件”的传播学意义 ,着意于分析我国民主与法制化进程中大众传媒所表现出的理性的价值判断、正确的舆论引导以及操作的优劣得失 ,以探求传媒生态与公众舆论、民主政治之间的互动规律 ,从而悟出良性的传媒生态是实现十六大所提出的政治文明建设的重要途径和有效保障。
The media ecology subtly reflects the political ecology. This paper studies the BMW event. It intends to analyze the rational value judgment, right public opinion's guidance and the results of management of the mass media in the course of the establishment of democracy and legal system. The paper draws the conclusion that healthy media ecology is an important approach and effective guarantee of political progress.
Journal of Hunan Mass Media Vocational and Technical College