通过对样本区域农村居民点布局及土地利用特点的研究 ,从丘陵山地区的自然环境条件和社会经济发展水平的实际出发 ,提出两种土地整理模式 :一是农林综合开发整理模式 ,即居民点闲置土地的复垦利用与抛荒地利用结合 ,与山地区退耕还林等生态建设工程结合 ,进行退宅还林 ;二是新村建设整理模式 ,即由政府对新村统一规划 ,供给道路等基础设施 ,引导农民集中建房的“政府引导型”农村居民点整理模式 ,并对重庆市渝北区新春村的新村建设的运作和效益进行了实证分析。
Land consolidation (LC) in rural residential areas is one of the important measurements or techniques of readjusting rural land use structure and of keeping the balance of arable land The characters of land use for rural residential areas in hilly and mountainous regions of Southwest China are greatly different from that in other regions of China. A survey of hilly and mountainous regions in Chongqing shows the following features of the land use system of rural residential spots: (1) the scale of residential plots is very small, mostly, only one to three families reside in one residential plot; (2) the average density is 30 plots per square kilometers in the Three Gorges region, such as Fengdu county of Chongqing ; (3) the residential plots are greatly scattered and the mean distance of plots is from tens to hundreds meters, and usually no more than 500 meters; (4) land use is so extensive that near 12% of the residential areas is unused This paper presents two feasible models of land consolidation for villages in hilly and mountainous regions of Southwest China, which could be used in various regions according to local characters One is the constructing of new hamlet and the other is the multiple development of agriculture and forestry The former is suitable for the mountainous regions and the latter is feasible in hilly regions where the economy is relatively developed Case study of Xinchun village in Chongqing shows, that the intensive target of land use can be realized through the planning and constructing of new hamlets After the land consolidation, the density of residential plots becomes lower and the area is decreased, and the net area of arable land increases 7 06 hm 2 which is 6 31% of the total area of Xinchun village Conclusions have been drawn as follows: (1) it is necessary that the effects of environment, economy and society are concerned synthetically when the model of LC in rural residential area; (2) it is very important to choose the model of LC of rural residential areas according to local physical conditions and social economic development level in the hilly and mountainous region of Southwest China; and (3) the policy guidelines of local governments and the investment of collective economic organizations play the key roles in the operating of land consolidation project (LCP) for rural residential areas
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land consolidation
rural residential areas
land use
hilly and mountainous region