
需求模式 被引量:1

Require ment pattern
摘要 为了解决软件开发过程中需求重用的问题 ,对统一建模语言中的活动图进行了扩展 ,用以作为软件需求捕获和描述的工具 ,并以此为基础通过借鉴其它模式语言的通用描述方式 ,提出了基于过程模型的需求模式描述语言 ,其描述框架包括模式名称、所属领域集合、适用语境、所要解决问题、条件约束、解决方案、模式实施、应用实例以及相关模式等方面 ,详细定义了语境、解决方案和相关模式的描述方式 ,并在此基础上给出了需求模式开发和应用的指导性原则 .提出的需求模式技术 ,使软件最高抽象描述层次的重用成为可能 。 In order to resolve the problem of requirement reuse in software development process, activity graph in unified modeling language (UML) was extended to be applied to modeling for software requirement capturing and describing. The description language of requirement pattern based on process model was presented by referring to the usual describing mode of pattern. The definition of the language includes name of pattern, domain, context, problem, forces, solution, implementation, examples and related patterns. The descriptions of context, solution and related patterns were defined, and guidelines for development and implement of requirement patterns were given. The description language of requirement pattern implement reuse of software requirement and its application can increase efficiency of software development.
出处 《北京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第7期583-587,共5页 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(7993100)
关键词 模式 过程 面向对象方法 Efficiency Models Object oriented programming Pattern matching Process control Software engineering
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