诉讼费用制度是现代各国民事诉讼中一项不可或缺的制度 ,诉讼费用的合理性在一定程度上反映着一个国家的人民享受法律保障的程度。随着我国民事司法制度改革的不断推进 ,现行的民事诉讼费用制度已经日益不能满足现实发展的需要 ,其所存在的局限性日益凸显出来。本文拟从诉讼费用的界定 ,诉讼收费规则的健全和完善 ,诉讼费用负担原则的发展与完善三个方面对我国诉讼费用制度的改革与完善进行探讨。
The system of legal cost is one essential part in the civil actions in modern countries. To a certain extent, its rationality reflects the legal protection to the people in a country. The thesis discusses the reform and perfection of this system in China from three parts: its definition, the improvement of its principles and the perfection of charge principle.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law