法学研究与其说是一种对法律现实的理论认识活动 ,不如说是一个对法律现实进行批判与反思的过程。批判法学彰显了法律认识过程中的审视意味 ,让人们意识到没有批判的法学是封闭和僵死的体系 ,法学只有在批判中才能更新和发展。但同时也要看到 ,一味的批判与普遍的否定也会导致法律虚无主义的复活。因此 ,对批判方法的法学应用需持谨慎而又必须予以正视的态度。
Legal study is not so much a kind of activity that legal practice is recognized theoretically as a course of criticism and introspection on legal reality. Critical legal theory that shows introspective meaning makes people realize that legal science would have become sealed and rigid system without criticism. Only in criticism can legal science be improved and developed. In the meantime, we should notice that constant criticism and general negation may revive legal nihilism. So,it is necessary to be cautious to the application of criticism.
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute