我国东南沿海地区的经济建设取得了举世瞩目的巨大成就 ,缩小了我国与发达国家之间的差距。在此过程中 ,我国一直对外资实行的“超国民待遇”起到了重要作用 ,但也留下了包括内外资企业不平等在内的许多教训。就国民待遇而言 ,理论上一直存在着错误。从国民待遇的确切含义讲 ,对我国的外商投资企业是不存在适用国民待遇问题的。本文试图从理论上分析国民待遇的真正涵义 ,并认为西部开发须实行真正意义上的国民待遇 ,逐步取消现行的超国民待遇。
China acquired stupendous economy accomplishment in its southeast coastal areas and reduced the economic gap between China and the developed countries.It played a important role that China practised supernational treatment to foreign investor all the while in the past. But this policy posed many lessons including the unfair play between national enterprises and foreign invested enterprises for modern China. Moreover,there was a grave mistake about national treatment theoretically,because national treatment only be applied to foreign civics and legal entities,not foreign-invested enterprises. We will discuss the real meaning of national treatment and suggest we should practise real national treatment and abolish supernational treatment step by step in the development of the west of China.
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute